What’s New: November 2024

November 28, 2024

The November update of the American National Biography features six new essays, including novelist Harper Lee; televangelist Tammy Faye Messner; musical comedy star Betty Garrett; playwright Clay Greene; and sports broadcasters John Madden and Vin Scully.

Greene, Clay Meredith (12 March 1850–5 September 1933), playwright
Garrett, Betty (23 May 1919–12 February 2011), musical comedy star
Lee, Harper (28 April 1926–19 February 2016), novelist
Madden, John (10 April 1936–28 December 2021), football coach and commentator
Messner, Tammy Faye (07 March 1942–20 July 2007), evangelical personality and television performer
Scully, Vin (29 November 1927–2 August 2022), baseball broadcaster

The American National Biography (ANB) is updated regularly throughout the year, giving you access to the most up-to-date and accurate information available. Full access to all biographies is available by subscription.

Discover a full list of entries added this year.