Stallo, Johann Bernhard (16 March 1823–06 January 1900), jurist and philosopher, was born in Seirhausen, Oldenburg, Germany, the son of Johann Heinrich Stallo, a schoolmaster, and Maria Adelheid Moormann. Under the tutelage of his father and grandfather, also a schoolmaster, Stallo gained a solid education, especially in mathematics, along with fluency in English, French, and the classical languages. At the age of thirteen he entered the Catholic normal school at Vechta, where he had his first exposure to German philosophy. Limited family resources precluded university study, and to avoid becoming a country schoolteacher, he immigrated to Cincinnati in 1839, following the path of an uncle who had succeeded as a printer in that city. The sixteen-year-old boy quickly secured a teaching position at a local parochial school. Recognizing a need for a German primer, in 1840 he wrote ...