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Douglas, H. Ford (1831-1865), abolitionist and military officer  

Robert L. Harris

Douglas, H. Ford (1831–11 November 1865), abolitionist and military officer, was born in Virginia, the son of a white man, William Douglas, and a slave, Mary (surname unknown). His first name was Hezekiah, which he chose to abbreviate. Sometime after his fifteenth birthday, he escaped from slavery and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where he worked as a barber. Self-educated, he became an active member of the antislavery movement and the Ohio free black community in the 1850s. He served as Cleveland agent for the ...


Nones, Benjamin (09 March 1757–09 February 1826)  

Claire Fraser

Nones, Benjamin (09 March 1757–09 February 1826), Revolutionary War soldier, Jewish community leader in Philadelphia, and early abolitionist, was born Abraham Benjamin Nones in Bordeaux, France, the son of Abraham Benjamin Nones and Rachel Nones. In a letter written to President Thomas Jefferson...