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Ames, Nathaniel (1741-1822), almanac writer, physician, and political activist  

Winfred E. A. Bernhard

Ames, Nathaniel (09 October 1741–20 July 1822), almanac writer, physician, and political activist, was born in Dedham, Massachusetts, the son of Nathaniel Ames and Deborah Fisher Ames. The senior Nathaniel strongly influenced his son with his deep interest in the “new science” of Isaac Newton and his activities as a physician, tavern proprietor, and compiler of a notable almanac. At sixteen Nathaniel, Jr., entered Harvard College and in January 1758 began to keep a diary. His lively, absorptive mind responded to new ideas, particularly Professor ...


Berkman, Alan (4 Sept. 1945–5 June 2009), global AIDS activist, physician, and political prisoner  

Susan Reverby

Berkman, Alan (4 Sept. 1945–5 June 2009), global AIDS activist, physician, and political prisoner, was born in Brooklyn, New York as the second of four sons of Sam Berkman, a plumbing supply store owner, and Mona Osit Berkman, a homemaker.

Raised in the small upstate New York town of Middletown during the cold war and after the Holocaust, Berkman expected to meld his intellectual and physical prowess to bring pride to his family, the Jewish community, and country. His classmates at Middletown High School voted him “the boy most likely to succeed” when he graduated in ...


Cordero, Ana Livia (4 July 1931–21 February 1992), political activist, physician, and public health advocate  

Sandy Placido

Cordero, Ana Livia (4 July 1931–21 February 1992), political activist, physician, and public health advocate, was born Ana Livia Cordero Garcés in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the elder of two daughters of Rafael de J. Cordero and Ana Livia Garcés. Rafael de J. Cordero was an economist and University of Puerto Rico professor who served as auditor and then comptroller of Puerto Rico under governors ...


Kevorkian, Jack (26 May 1928–3 June 2011), physician and right-to-die advocate  

Thaddeus Pope

Kevorkian, Jack (26 May 1928–3 June 2011), physician and right-to-die advocate, was born Murad Kevorkian in Pontiac, Michigan, the middle child of Levon Kevorkian, an autoworker and later a sewer and water main contractor, and Satenig Kevorkian. His parents were Armenian immigrants who fled the genocide in what is now Turkey. Kevorkian graduated from Pontiac High School in ...


Redmond, Sidney Dillon (1871-1948), physician, attorney, and political leader  

E. C. Foster

Redmond, Sidney Dillon (11 October 1871–11 February 1948), physician, attorney, and political leader, was born in Holmes County, Mississippi, near the town of Ebenezer, the son of Charles Redmond, a former slave and blacksmith, and Esther Redmond, a former slave. In 1871 large numbers of blacks were elected to state and local government positions. Less than two years earlier a new state constitution had been put into effect that promised to make democracy a reality for both black and white Mississippians. Moreover, abolition of slavery in the United States had occurred six years before Redmond’s birth. After leaving the farm near Ebenezer along with the rest of his family, Redmond settled in Holly Springs, Mississippi, where he later attended Rust College. Upon graduation from Rust College in 1894, he entered the field of education and served both as a principal at Mississippi State Normal School in Holly Springs and as a mathematics instructor at Rust College....


Roudanez, Louis Charles (1823-1890), physician, newspaper proprietor, and Republican party activist  

Connie Meale

Roudanez, Louis Charles (12 June 1823–11 March 1890), physician, newspaper proprietor, and Republican party activist, was born in St. James Parish, Louisiana, the son of Louis Roudanez, a wealthy French merchant, and Aimée Potens, a free woman of color. Roudanez was raised in New Orleans as a member of the city’s free black elite, but in 1844 he left to pursue a professional education in France. In 1853 the faculty of medicine at the University of Paris awarded him a degree in medicine. He graduated with a second medical degree from Dartmouth College in 1857, and soon after he returned to New Orleans to open his own office. In the same year he married Louisa Celie Seulay, and their union produced eight children....


Wright, Eliphalet Nott (1858-1932), physician, politician, and businessman  

Robert L. Gale

Wright, Eliphalet Nott (03 April 1858–10 January 1932), physician, politician, and businessman, was born near Armstrong Academy, Choctaw Nation, in Indian Territory (now southeastern Oklahoma), the son of Allen Wright, a Choctaw civil and religious leader and scholar, and Harriet Mitchell, a white Presbyterian mission teacher. Wright attended school fourteen miles southwest of Atoka at Boggy Depot, Choctaw Nation, when it was a Confederate post during the Civil War. He was in Washington, D.C., briefly, when his father represented the Choctaw Nation to treat with the U.S. government. Wright attended classes for one year at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, and three years at Spencer Academy near Doaksville in Choctaw Nation. In 1878 he entered Union College in Schenectady, New York, but discontinued his classical course of study there in 1881 to enter the Albany Medical College, New York. He earned necessary money by practicing back home in the summer of 1883 and then returned to Albany, where he received an M.D. early in 1884. He went home to Boggy Depot to begin a career combining medicine, politics, and business....