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Means, Gaston Bullock (1879-1938), spy, swindler, and detective  

Gilbert Geis

Means, Gaston Bullock (11 July 1879–12 December 1938), spy, swindler, and detective, was born in Blackwelder’s Spring, North Carolina, the son of William Gaston Means, an attorney, and Corallie Bullock. Means grew up in Concord, North Carolina, in a family that had lost most of its considerable wealth during the Civil War. He left the University of North Carolina in 1900, early in his third year, and served for two years as the superintendent of the elementary schools in Stanly County, adjacent to Concord. In 1902 he took a job as a salesman for the Cannon textile mills, living in New York City and traveling widely....


Cover Means, Gaston Bullock (1879-1938)

Means, Gaston Bullock (1879-1938)  


Gaston B. Means Courtesy of the Library of Congress (LC-USZ62-109386).