Lee, Luther (30 November 1800–13 December 1889), religious reformer, was born in Schoharie, New York, the son of Samuel Lee and Hannah Williams, pioneer farmers. His father was a revolutionary war veteran, and his mother was raised in the home of Joseph Bellamy...
Lee, Luther (1800-1889), religious reformer
Douglas M. Strong
Lumry, Rufus (1799 1800–21 June 1862), abolitionist, circuit preacher, and church organizer
Lumry, Rufus (1799/1800–21 June 1862), abolitionist, circuit preacher, and church organizer, was born in Rensselaerville, New York. He was almost certainly the son of Andrew, a probably illiterate wagon driver whose patrilineal Huguenot ancestral surname was Lamoureux; his mother’s identity is unknown. The family moved to Albany around the time of the War of ...
Lumry, Rufus (1799/1800–21 June 1862)
Maker: H.W. Immke
Portrait of Rufus Lumry, by H.W Immke
Photograph by H.W. Immke, Bureau County Historical Society Princeton, Illinois