Bennett, John Charles (06 December 1923–05 May 1980), major general in the U.S. Army and White House aide, was born in Washington, D.C., the son of Ivan Loveridge and Ruby Jenrette. Shortly after graduating from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1945, Bennett married Jean Hazelton MacKenzie. They had four children. In 1951 Bennett received an M.A. in English from Columbia University. He received another M.A. in international affairs from George Washington University in 1964....
Bennett, John Charles (1923-1980), major general in the U.S. Army and White House aide
Michael A. Genovese
Roosevelt, Kermit (16 February 1916–08 June 2000), intelligence operative, businessman, lobbyist, and writer
Paul T. Sayers
Roosevelt, Kermit (16 February 1916–08 June 2000), intelligence operative, businessman, lobbyist, and writer, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the first child of Kermit Roosevelt, Sr., a businessman, soldier, and explorer, and Belle Wyatt Willard Roosevelt, a businesswoman and political activist who came from a socially prominent family. He was a grandson of President ...
Taylor, Maxwell Davenport (26 August 1901–19 April 1987), army officer and presidential adviser
George C. Herring
Taylor, Maxwell Davenport (26 August 1901–19 April 1987), army officer and presidential adviser, was born in Keytesville, Missouri, the son of John E. M. Taylor, an attorney, and Pearle Davenport. At West Point, Taylor distinguished himself as a scholar, finishing fourth in a class of 102 students in 1922, and he was an excellent tennis player....