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Rost-Denis, Pierre Adolphe (? 1797–06 September 1868), jurist and planter  

Judith Schafer

Rost-Denis, Pierre Adolphe (? 1797–06 September 1868), jurist and planter, was born in Garonne, France. His parents’ names and occupations are unknown. Little is known of his early years, except that he attended the Lycée Napoléon and the École Polytechnique in Paris. He participated in the defense of Paris in 1814 and then became a member of Napoléon Bonaparte’s army. After the defeat at Waterloo, Rost came to the United States in 1816, landing at Natchez, Mississippi. There he learned English and became a protégé and student in the law office of Joseph E. Davis, brother of ...


Ruffin, Thomas (1787-1870), planter and judge  

Thomas D. Morris

Ruffin, Thomas (17 November 1787–15 January 1870), planter and judge, was born in King and Queen County, Virginia, the son of Sterling Ruffin, a planter, and Alice Roane, who was the first cousin of Spencer Roane, one of the leading figures of early Virginia jurisprudence. Thomas Ruffin was also a relative of the later southern firebrand, ...